Tuesday, July 14, 2009


As many of you know, on Friday I'm headed for Africa. We'll be at the Children of Zion Village helping care for and teach the 58 children that live there. So I've spent this week frantically getting things ready to go and trying to get things taken care of that are going to come up while I'm away.

Maybe it's because I just preached on the passage two weeks ago, but as I get ready to leave, I keep thinking of the instructions Jesus gives to his disciples when he sends them out two by two. He very specifically tells them not to take a bag, any bread, or any money. The no bag and no money part doesn't phase me that much, but no bread?!?! I mean, come on! A person's got to eat, right?!

So why is it that Jesus wouldn't want the disciples to take anything with them. He even tells them not to take an extra tunic. So, no spare change of clothes. What's up with that? I'm all for traveling light but why is it that Jesus tells his disciples not to take anything with them when they go? And if we do take stuff with us (I'm a fan both of bread, and some extra changes of clothes!) does that mean that we are going against what Jesus wanted for us?

I haven't done any research or any indepth study, but I wonder if Jesus' command not to take anything with us is more about dependence on God than it is about actual stuff. Maybe it's that when we take supplies with us, we're more likely to think that we're the ones who have accomplished something. Maybe we're more likely to feel independent and self-sufficient, more likely to boast and be proud of what "we" have done rather than being dependent on God and recognize that God is really the one who accomplishes all things.

Which makes me wonder, what baggage (both literally and figuratively) do I need to leave behind so that I can be more dependent on God? What is it that I shouldn't pack, that I shouldn't take with me? For that matter, what is it in life that I need to let go of entirely in order to be more reliant on God? And for the record, I will be bringing some changes of clothes and some snacks!

What do you need to let go of and leave behind?

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