Monday, July 27, 2009

Theres No Place Like Home

Well we have officially been gone for 10 days. I love adventures! I mean really love them! I like seeing new places and experiencing new things. I like the excitement of not known exactly how your day is going to go or what you'll be doing tomorrow.

But my guess is that around now or just a few days from now, I'll start thinking more and more about home. Home for me, being an army brat, isn't about a real location. It's about being near my family. Chances are, right now I'm thinking about my husband and our dog. I'm probably wondering what they are up to or how my dad is fairing with my mother gone. I'm probably also day dreaming about sleeping in my own bed or what the first thing I'm going to eat when I get back int he states will be.

When I went to Israel and Jordan for a month, I remember I wasn't really home sick but I really missed food that I was used to. Haha! Big surprise, right?!?!

So what is it that makes you feel at home? Is is a particular location or a particular building? Is it specific people? Is it a certain activity or particular foods? What is it that makes you feel most at home? If you don't feel at home now, is there something you can do to help yourself feel more at home where you are?

As for all of us in Namibia, eat a slice of pizza for us! And please continue to keep us in your prayers. We are away from our homes but have a wonderful opportunity to be guests in the home of these 58 children. Please pray that we will be a blessing to them as much as they are a blessing to us!

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