Wednesday, March 4, 2009


I'm currently on vacation. Actually I've been on vacation since friday. With each subsequent day I've gotten more and more relaxed. Today as I was wandering around sight-seeing, I was reminded reminded that vacation is recreation.

Recreation. It's really a pretty odd word when you stop to think about it. Most of us when we think of recreation we think of playing and just generally relaxing. Accourding to recreation is defined as "refreshment of strength and spirits after work." Have you ever noticed the recreation is spelled the same way as re-creation, as in being created again?

I honestly don't think that was an accident. Receation is a form of re-creation. It is in relaxing, and yes, when we actually stop working that we are refreshed and in a sense are re-created. We weren't designed to work non-stop. God tells us to rest and to be re-created. Yet most of us aren't very good at resting.

I think in this economy, with so much unknown and with so much stress in many different areas of life, it's even more important for us to make time for recreation. Maybe that's taking time to play a game with your kids, maybe it means going for a hike or watching a movie. When we take time for recreation we are allowing God to re-create us. And that is just as productive as if we spent that time working.

What do you need to do to spend some time in recreation and being re-created this week?

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