Monday, March 30, 2009

Calling all college students

I scream... You scream... we all scream for ICE CREAM! May 27th at 7pm Scott and I are hosting an ice cream extravaganza for all those who are college age. You do not need to actually be a college student, you just need to be of college age. Those who are graduating from high school this spring are also welcome to come. Basically we'll hang out, eat ice cream, play air hockey, some foosball, some wii, and just generally get to know each other. Bring your friends, and spread the word.

This ice cream extravaganza will be the kick off night for the college age bible study Scott and I will be hosting at our house. We'll meet on wednesday nights at 7pm. We'll be using the nooma videos ( which means there's no reading you need to do in advance!

So come check it out. Join us on May 27th for ice cream and fellowship. And then come on the wednesdays after that to join us in conversation about life and faith.

If you want more information or would like to be added to our email list for further updates. Send me an email and we'll get you added to the list.

Woohoo! Icecream! I'm excited!

1 comment:

  1. i love ice cream! Too bad i'm not college age anymore......The idea of the Nooma videos sounds great! I love them.
