Friday, January 16, 2009

Falling Apart

I recently saw a show where a high powered lawyer quits her job and becomes a dog walker. One of her co-workers runs into her on the street and they go to lunch together. When her co-worker suggest she might be able to get her job back, she says she doesn't want it back. He's really shocked at this and wants to know why. After all, she was always the first one there in the morning and the last one to leave, so he assumed she loved her job. She responds that she did that not because she loved her job, but because she was worried that if she didn't do that she would fall apart. She says she was worried that without all the people to please, without all the tasks to do, deadlines to meet, there would be nothing to hold her together.

Her co-worker subsequently asks an interesting question: "What is it that holds you together?"

What is it that holds you together? It is your job? A relationship? Your Kids? Your spouse? God? Money?

I think often rather than take an honest look at our lives and ourselves, we convince ourselves what actually holds us together is the things that we want to hold us together. Some of us like to think it's God that holds us together when we are practical atheists. Some of us like to think it's our family that holds us together, when we spend little or no time with them.

I guess another way to ask the question would be, what is it that gives us the energy to do everything else in life? And not just physical energy. What is it that gives us the mental energy, the drive to do everything else in life? What is it that holds you together?

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