Wednesday, September 17, 2008


Change. It seems to be the hot button political word these days. We hear both of the presidential candidates talking about change and how they, not the other party, can effectively bring about change. With the current situation of so many political issues right now, it's no wonder everyone is talking about the need for change.

The economy is having trouble in what seems like almost every area. The housing market keeps losing value, the stock market keeps going down, people are losing jobs, even though gas prices have come down in some areas in other areas gas is over $5 a gallon and some gas stations are running out of gas, banks even large well established banks are unstable. It's a concerning situation to watch. But the economy isn't the only area people are wanting to see change in. There's debate as to how we are going to meet the energy needs of the nation. Do we open up more areas to drilling? Do we invest in renewable energy? both? What do we do about the impact that our ravenous consumption of energy is having on the environment? Is the environment really being effected?

Change. It's what everyone is calling for. And yet we all have our own idea of what that change should look like. And just like there are things in our country that need to be changed, so too there are things in our religion that need to be changed. Yep. That's right. There are things in Christianity that need to be changed. Unless you think that we, the church, the body of flawed sinful broken and imperfect people, have somehow gotten it exactly the way God intended then we have things that need to change. So what would you change? If you could change the face of Christianity in America, what would you change?

I know what I would change. I'd want Christianity in America to be a lifestyle rather than a category. I'd change it so that people who called themselves Christians started to take that identity seriously, so that they made decisions based on their faith and what they thought God was calling them to do. I'd change Christianity so that people who called themselves Christian were passionate and convicted. I'd make it so that people who call themselves Christian are part of a community of faith actively trying to live into the standards that God sets for us. I'd change Christianity so that people realize to be an active Christian means we aren't trying to be an individual christian, but that we identify ourselves with a community, a community that we are willing to learn with and pray with, a community that we are willing to hold accountable, and that we're willing to be held accountable by, a community that we stretch and that stretches us, a community that encourages us and challenges us and loves us and cares for us.

I'd change Christianity so that the same few people, aren't the ones doing all the work. So that people would realize that with the identity Christian comes the commitment to give of ourselves, and no, not just our money. But that being Christian calls us to give of our time, to risk being in community and conversation with people, even when we don't always agree. So that people would realize that being Christian means doing what's best for the whole community, even if it's not what's best for me personally.

I guess, in short, I'd change Christianity in America so that we took seriously Jesus' command to Love God and to love our neighbor as ourselves.

But that's me, that's what I would change. And I'm sure alot of people would change alot of other things. So, what would you change? If you could change the face of Christianity in America, what would you change?

1 comment:

  1. AMEN! I was at a church meeting in which one of our leaders actually said, "I know there's this Christian thing we do, but..." and went on to say how we needed to protect our building from the community people coming in and loitering and causing a mess. um, hello! Why was that person so easily able to dismiss their very identity and calling as a Christian? Why were they more willing to live into the "but" than the Christian disclaimer clause?? It's so sad and disheartening.

    What would I change? The fact that we all click together in our Christian circle and barely ever interact with anyone who's not Christian. One of my friends is a pastor and goes to a bar every week just to hang out with the guys there, and they talk about everything, including religion--and you know what? his church found out and FREAKED OUT on him for regularly spending time in such an unholy place. Um....Jesus eating with tax collectors and sinners story right about now??????? "I came to save the lost????? (not that everyone in a bar is lost; there are plenty in the pews Sunday mornings, but anyways)

    I guess what I wish is that we could be more real and honest in our faith and living without worrying about whether we fit the "good Christian" role, whatever that is and whoever got to decide what it entails. I wish more people would get messy in their spirituality, trying different things out and messing up without the fear of being cast out heresy for actually trying to enact and live out their faith.
