Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Tuesday in the D.R.

Today we dug several small swimming pools or fish ponds. They started out as foundations holes for support columns, but it rained hard for an hour after we left the site. We expect to swim tomorrow.
There was a lot of sun and life on the worksite today. We have yet to see a backhoe, but there has been quite a turnout of locals, of all ages. The men work hard, the women (inspired by our women) have picked up shovel and pick, as well. Even the teenagers joined in and dug a 2ft by 6ft by 6ft hole. Terri spent a lot of time playing with the children. The most notable thing about these people is that regardless of work or play they have joy beaming out of them. We have been richly blessed to work beside them.
At lunch, Nieves brought out a radio and urged us to listen. After a few minutes we heard an announcement in English, followed by same message in Spanish. It was a welcome addressed to us that was broadcast throughtout the area. Nieves had called the large Christian radio station in the capital of Santo Domingo and told them about us. It made us feel very special.
We were very tired by the end of the workday, but after dinner we went to an evening service at a private home. The service was held in the carport. Lots of singing and praise. Dave played Open the eyes of my heart Lord, a song which the locals know in Spanish. We had praises, prayer, song and a sermon with a very pentecostal flavor. At the end there were handshakes, hugs and smiles all around.
Finally a few notes particulalry for the folks that came in 2005 . . .
We have been blessed by very reliable electrical service, so the fans run all night making sleep easy. The accomodations are very nice with the upstairs completely finished. It has not been quite as hot, and since we have had church service essentialy in the street, it has been more comfortable. What hasn´t changed is the warmth and acceptance of the people here. We are blessed in many ways.
Its getting late and time to sign off.
Your brothers and sisters in Christ in Yaguate, DR

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