The other day I had to go to the pharmacy to get medicine for my son who has an ear infection. It was a bitterly cold day and for some reason the shopping center where the pharmacy is located was particularly busy. I circled around looking for a close parking spot but the only parking spot I could find was on the far side of the shopping center. As I pulled into the spot, I was frustrated at the inconvenience of having to park so far away. I didn’t want to have to carry my sick child so far in the cold weather.
As the frustration was rising, I heard a small voice say, “Be thankful. Be thankful you have access to medicine at all. Be thankful you can afford the medication. Be thankful you don’t have to choose between food and the medicine. Be thankful you can go to any number of pharmacies in the area to get the medication. Be thankful you only have to walk a few hundred feet to get it.”
And as I walked as quickly as I could, wrapping my jacket tight around me, it continued, “Be thankful you have warm clothes to wear. Be thankful you have a warm house to live in. Be thankful you have warm clothes for your son. Be thankful.”
By the time I made it back to my car, medicine in hand, I was keenly aware of the blessings God has poured out on me. And I was thankful.
What are you thankful for?